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- Written by: Gaelyn Whitley Keith
If you continue to expect your self to make sweeping changes without recognizing that the brain just doesn't work that way, you will be frustrated and unfulfilled, upset with life, quietly angry and not knowing why.
As an individual, it is your own programming that is responsible for making you the way you are and influencing how you live your life, each and every day. It is the programming each of us contains that makes society as a whole the way it is.
Up to now, most of our programming has been a mess. Three fourths of our own ""truth-talk"' is working against us, and unless we do something about it, the situation isn't going to get any better.
Take a look at the results: Behavioral researchers tell us that as much as 60 percent of the work force in the United States say they would like to be doing something else; one half of all marriages end in divorce; as many as half of all graduating high school students have experimented with rugs; alcoholism is at an all-time high and 30 percent or more of all adults suffer from some form of frequent or chronic depression.
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- Written by: Gaelyn Whitley Keith
Now let’s consider the impact of not just a few moments or days in which complaints cause your chemicals and attitudes to work against you, but all of the moments and days added together.
Even one minute of complaining can play havoc with our minds. And if an individual who has not yet learned that complaining – or not complaining – is a choice, spent no more than fifteen minutes a day causing himself or herself to complain or be upset about normal difficulties of the day, those few minutes of self-imposed aggravation would add up to more than 5,000 irreplaceable minutes of powerfully negative self programs in just one year.
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- Written by: Gaelyn Whitley Keith
The US Department of Education, Academy of the Sciences, and the Foundation for Child Development conducted a study on early childhood development. Several interesting, scientific ideas and trends on childhood development emerged from the study.
The portion of the study I find most convincing is that regarding neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity, is the brain's ability to reorganize neural pathways based on new experiences. Simplyput, every day we experience and learn new things. In order to incorporate this new information into our brains, the brain must reorganize the way it processes that information. Thus, as we learn things, the brain changes.
Read more: How Is Early Childhood Affected By Positive ’’’Truth-Talk’’’
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- Written by: Gaelyn Whitley Keith
What’s the most important tool in your sales arsenal? Is it your CRM? Is it your dog-eared, much-loved copy, of “How to Win Friends and Influence People”? Or maybe the handy-dandy IPhone that allows you to hold all your contacts for your next sales appointment. While any of these might hold a place of importance, they can’t compare to the most important asset of all. And I’m so sure that I have the right answer that I challenge any of you to come up with a better answer:
It’s your mind, and more specifically your brain.
Assuming you could come up with a better answer than mine, you’d have to use your brain, which would only prove my point. Doctors and scientists studying neuroplasticity have discovered that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brains, even into old age.
It is essential for everyone in sales to understand that the power of positive thinking has scientific creditability. These findings are so revolutionary; they’re only now reaching critical mass outside the realm of neuroscience because some stubborn scientists have resisted the findings. You might want to get a copy of “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale.
But guess what? The brain is not akin to a machine at all. The brain, in fact, can rewire itself in a way that no computer ever could. Scientists have proven this conclusively by citing the work of maverick researchers who teach stroke victims how to use paralyzed limbs again, for example.
What does all this have to do with sales?
Remember your last sales challenge, and you know how hard it is to win the mental game. Willpower isn’t enough. But within the model of plastic brain change, you can find new insights and break bad habits with peak efficiency and skill. That is were ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"' ’’’ comes in.
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- Written by: Gaelyn Whitley Keith
A lot of positive ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"'’’’ can seem a bit flaky, especially if you’re the sort of person opposed to respond well to an affirmation to “look on the bright side.” But positive ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"'’’’ has some interesting findings. One finding is that feeling grateful is very good for you. Time and again, studies have shown that performing simple ‘’’"'Truth-Talk"'’’’ gratitude affirmations can bring a range of benefits, such as feelings of increased well-being and reduced depression. Now a brain-scanning study in NeuroImaging brings us a little closer to understanding why.