Graces Paints Rescue Pups
Grace loves painting dogs to help raise money for rescued pups. She started at age 13 and now at 16 she has mastered her technique. Any time it is really nice to help out Dog Rescues as donations can go down as people are spending more on every day expenses for family and friends. You can view her other paintings under Grace D paints. If you are interested in having a picture painted for your pup contact us.
Grace loves painting dogs to help raise money for rescued pups. She started at age 13 and now at 16 she has mastered her technique. Any time it is really nice to help out Dog Rescues as donations can go down as people are spending more on every day expenses for family and friends. You can view her other paintings under Grace D paints. If you are interested in having a picture painted for your pup contact us.
Sugar, A Birthday Gift

Luke's Pup Bobby

Angel Pup

Two Rescue Pups

Graces Paints Charlie the Cat
Grace paints because she loves to. She also loves puppies. To send a SMUSH (Sending Many Universal Smile Hugs) out into the world she decided to do the two things she loves. Paint pictures and help rescue animals find their forever home. The proceeds she has made from her paintings are donated to the shelter she volunteers at: . Grace is 13 years old. If she can do it so can you. Hope you are having fun doing your own SMUSH.

Grace D painted Tucker a few months ago. Just this last week Tucker unfortunately went missing. His owners were heartbroken but their painting from Grace D gave them hope. After 4 days a search and rescue dog found Tucker in the woods. Nice to have a happy ending. Tucker is home safe with his loving family.

Grace D friend's birthday is December 26. Chloe birthday seems to get lost in the Christmas holiday. So this year Grace D threw a surprise party for her. She also painted a picture of her pup Winki. If you'd like a painting for your friend just contact us at

With summer arriving Grace D helped out Make A Wish Foundation by painting a cat for the highest bidder. She was able to raise $450.00. Way to go Grace D.

Graces Paints Charlie the Cat
Grace paints because she loves to. She also loves puppies. To send a SMUSH (Sending Many Universal Smile Hugs) out into the world she decided to do the two things she loves. Paint pictures and help rescue animals find their forever home. The proceeds she has made from her paintings are donated to the shelter she volunteers at: . Grace is 13 years old. If she can do it so can you. Hope you are having fun doing your own SMUSH.

Grace D painted Tucker a few months ago. Just this last week Tucker unfortunately went missing. His owners were heartbroken but their painting from Grace D gave them hope. After 4 days a search and rescue dog found Tucker in the woods. Nice to have a happy ending. Tucker is home safe with his loving family.

Grace D friend's birthday is December 26. Chloe birthday seems to get lost in the Christmas holiday. So this year Grace D threw a surprise party for her. She also painted a picture of her pup Winki. If you'd like a painting for your friend just contact us at

With summer arriving Grace D helped out Make A Wish Foundation by painting a cat for the highest bidder. She was able to raise $450.00. Way to go Grace D.