Who's Phillip?
Philip is portrayed as somewhat naive and shy, yet sober-minded and quick to be practical. Philip was attributed with several key miracles: Philip reportedly restored life to a dead infant in the arms of its mother, he used the power of prayer to kill a large serpent that was being worshipped as a god and he cast out unclean spirits and demons from possessed individuals. But he did one more thing that is truly quantum physics.

Guest Blogger Eva Benoit
Truth Wins is here to help you unlock the power of language. Questions?
Feel free to email our guest blogger This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit her website at Eva Bonoit You don't have a pdf plugin, but you can download the pdf file.
Not Alone
To listen to more chapters go to the Blog area and click on Not Alones
Quantum Faith - How It Works
Bringing things down to their atomic level and learning that scientifically these particles respond to people will have a significant effect on your faith. In the quantum, subatomic arena, there are only possibilities and probabilities. There is infinite possibilities

Help Hollywood Celebrate Her 3rd Birthday
October 7, 2024 is Hollywood's 3rd birthday. Let's give a gift that gives back. Purhase a book for your grandkids or favorite child. This is a story that teaches about finding purpose in life!
Proceeds go to Dog Rescue and that is like getting two gifts in one.

A Light In The Darkness
If you’ve spent any time in Hollywood driving along the 101 Hollywood Freeway, then you’ve likely noticed the giant, illuminated cross on top of a hill just to the north of Whitley Heights. Every time we drove by this Cross, most of us wondered why is it there.