Fundamentally, quantum physics makes very strange predictions about the behavior of matter that are wholly inconsistent with the way things appear to function in the real world. Quantum particles can act like waves, dispersed throughout space or in multiple locations at once, or they can behave like particles, localized in a single location. They seem to have no distinct properties at all before we measure them, which raises a fundamental question about the nature of basic reality. Instead, their appearance seems to depend on what we say. We must accept the reality of a God Particle.
Gift giving is a great way to express love. It is a common habit for most people. Gift giving can be a small token or a delivery of something valuable. What is the most valuable gift you ever received? Can you think of a gift you would prefer? If you could have any gift your heart desired, what would it be?
Why don’t we know? What is the driving force that keeps people from telling the truth? Why are there so many lies being told on social media? Is it time to become a fact checker? How do you manage the weight of the truth when it feels unbearable to handle? How can we move towards greater truth for ourselves and others?
Are times of trouble here? Will we be devoured with remorseless certainty? Still, for every reason to be negative, we certainly are able to find some reasons to be positive! We would like to be quite personal today, personal about you and personal about us. We have thought about you a great deal over the past few weeks and have prayed to know what might be helpful to you. In doing so we have been drawn back to the future.
“What's this" is a phrase used to ask if something is true, exists, or really happened. Does this mean that you have to answer the question, how, who, when and where? Do you really care? How will THIS make you life better? Amazingly it can make anyone and everyone’s life better.