Every tiny aspect of your life is determined by what you say and believe.

-Neuroscience has proven 97% of your life is determined by what happens in your subconscious mind (your beliefs).
-Quantum Physics proves that all the waves and particles of the universe will "collapse" according to what your expect (or believe).
-Quantum Physics has discoverd that quirks are made of sound waves (what you are saying).,
-Scriptures confirms God's hands are tied to bless you, heal you, free you, due to what you are saying and believing.

We literally swim in our teeny-tiny fishbowl of a personal reality created by what we are saying and believing. Our beliefs have structured a very little world for us and we aren’t even aware of it. Who you are, how you act, how you feel, your circumstances, your health, how good your relationships are (or aren't), how much money you will earn this year... are ALL determined… by your beliefs. Believes come from what you are saying when you talk to yourself.


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