Change happens. It is one of the few constants in life. Most people map out a path of gradual, step-by-step, linear change for their lives (think s-l-o-w). However, it's quantum change: "seeing the light", a "bolt out of the blue" that makes the most significant transformations in our lives. How does quantum change happen? Why do some of us experience it and what kind of people do we want to become as a result? This is worth thinking about. That is why for the past 10 years I have encouraged everyone to watch what they are saying. It is the little everyday things we said in the past that are making our todays. The simplest way I know to begin changing your self-talk is to try our new app. It is free for a month. You just turn it on and let it play in the background as you cook dinner or commute to work. Give it a try. Its free – so what do you have to lose? Nothing – but you have a whole new world to gain.